Percentage - 5.4%
Brewing company - StaatlichesHoffbrauhaus
This beer is sold at the Hofbrau Festzelt - the largest beer tent of the Oktoberfest in Munich. During Oktoberfest 2004 (16 days) there was a total consumption of 500,000 Liters of beer.The beer has a good reputation and is enjoyed by many beer enthusiast throughout the world.
When poured this is a hazy light gold colour beer that holds a decent head providing very little aroma. The taste is almost null and void and the after taste is an absolutely long sustaining terrible experience. Maca describes this as similar to drinking grey water, a fucking waste of our time! Perhap's this is a bad batch but if not what is the Brewer thinking? This is so bad that the Bondi Blonde looks enticing We just want this experience to be over. kill us now make it stop!
Verdict - Terrible
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