Cascade Pale Ale

Country - Tasmania, Australia

Percentage - 5.0%

Brewing Company - Cascade Brewery Company

When poured this is clear gold colour beer with a small white head. No true aroma is associated with the beer but perhaps a hint of apple cider and some chemical appeal. On tasting this is a light bodied, lagerish beer with a semi-dry finish followed by a hint of citrus. A very poor tasting pale ale that pales in comparison to many others -  even the impoverished ones! This is a disappointing bland Pale Ale that at the end of the day only performs as another macro-lager - Carlton Draught certainly comes to mind. This cannot call itself Pale Ale unless it has Shit in the title!

Verdict - Bad

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree, this is the worst pale ale a have tasted!
