Percentage - 5.0%
Brewing Company - Southern Tier Brewing Company
When poured this is a cloudy gold colour beer with a small head and no lacing as the beer is consumed. There is very little aroma present and the taste is similar to the presentation - unimpressive! This is a thin bodied, watery tasting beer with a chemically driven aftertaste.
The label advertises "Make everyday Earth Day" suggesting "ways to be greener - let the rain wash your car." Get Fucked! Maca suggests a way to be greener though - Southern Tier should stop brewing their shit beer and shipping it across the world, just for him to pour down the sink!
My thoughts are the only way this could be improved is to make it an enema! Overall this is a shit beer that flies in the face of Earth Day. The Barrons is better Tony!
Verdict - Terrible
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