Red Angus Pilsener

Country - Australia

Percentage - 4.8%

Brewing Company - William Bull Brewery

When poured this is light hazy gold colour beer with a white head. Very little aroma is evident with no distinct notes. The "three classic hops used giving a wild profusion of spicy & fruity aroma's" unfortunately does not exist! The beer has a very high carbonation on the palate that is quite overpowering. Whilst some spiciness is present on the palate the five malted grains and full flavour profile mentioned on the bottle are indistinct. The carbonation of this beer dominates the palate basically paralysing what little flavours there are. As far as "Pure grain fed beer" goes we think these beers often went without!

Verdict - Palatable

1 comment:

  1. Hi James,
    We appreaciate your input, make sure to watch this space as there is many more reviws to come.
    Maca & Joel
