Percentage - 5.0%
Brewing Company - Moorilla Estate
When poured this is a clear golden colour beer with a white head and good carbonation. A wonderful aroma of hops that are zesty and sharp accompany the beer. On tasting this is an interesting pilsner that has a medium palate with a unique pleasant bitterness. "Departing from tradition, the pilsner uses only German spalt hops to achieve its unique aroma & lingering bitterness." This is a special occasion beer that is out of the box. With its unique bottle similar in style to what you would expect from a wine this is a crisp, pleasant and very enjoyable beer. Maca's mum would really appreciate the bitterness this has to offer .We felt the bold bitterness punches you straight in the mouth and makes you feel like a housewife that hasn't done the housework!
Vredict - Excellent
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