Percentage - 5.0%
Brewing Company - Binding-Brauerei AG
This is a top fermenting beer presented in a 500ml bottle (as you can expect any good wheat beer to be found in) When poured this is a crystal clear golden colour beer with a thick white head providing an appealing aroma of wheat and clove associated with a hint of banana. There is a sharp taste of hops that dissipates to a mild lingering malt flavour followed by a dry finish. This is a pleasant tasting beer but is lacking body and flavour. If this were an Australian Wheat Beer we would describe this as a great effort but this is a German Wheat Beer and whilst "Kristall" tends to be less flavoured than a "Hefe" there is no excuse for this beer to be so bland (especially in comparison to a Weihenstephaner Kristall Weissbier) Unfortunately this beer does not excel or excite in any way but remains a drinkable but not impressive beer.
Verdict - Great
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