Perecentage - 4.2%
Brewing Company - Malt Shovel Brewery Pty Ltd
Described as having "Refreshing character and a fruity nose with hints of passion fruit, grape fruit and citrus" When poured this is a hazy gold colour beer with a white head that dissipates. The hints of passion fruit, grape fruit, and citrus are difficult to appreciate in the aroma but do make themselves present on tasting in particular the passion fruit.
Unfortunately for James Squire there are many better Pale Ales on the market and whilst many pub establishments have promoted this as a good tap beer it just does not have the balls to compete against other quality Pale Ales including Ekim, Wicked Elf, 28 Pale Ale, & the Endeavour. Perhaps James Squire not only lost his freedom but also his balls on the way to Australia! Poor Bloke!
All this said, One Fifty Lashes remains one of James Squire better and most recognised beers that does out perform alot of Australian Macro Lagers.
Verdict - Good
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