James Squire Jack of Spades Porter

Country - Australia

Percentage - 5.0%

Brewing Company - Malt Shovel Brewery Pty Ltd

Described as a "Dark, complex Porter with hints of malt chocolate, roasted coffee & a light creamy finish." When poured this is a black beer with a slight tinge of red with a frothy beige head. The aroma is a mix of coco, dark chocolate and some roast. On tasting dark roasted flavours with a hint of chocolate dominate the palate. There is some bitterness with a lingering after taste of dark chocolate. Maca feels that this is a good Porter but as his tastes are opposed to the roasted coffee flavours the best he can rate the beer is OK. However I do have an appreciation for this type of beer and find this to be a decent Porter.

Verdict - Great

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best beers I have ever tried in my life! Once you try this beer, you will never go back to any other beer. This beer is so good that it blew my mind. I think I’m going to go get a beer right now. And if you love DARK BEER then you must try MONTEITH’S BLACK BEER (https://ellerslieliquorcentre.co.nz/product/monteiths-black-6pk/)
